10 Amazing Wedding Venues

(That I’d Like to Photograph!)

Today I’d like to blog about fantasies (not those kind, you saucy lot…!) but wedding venue fantasies. Amazing locations, sweeping vistas, breathtaking spaces…basically, any location where getting married would be an absolute dream come true. A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to photograph a wedding at the amazing Leez Priory, but with all due respect to that venue, these following locations are a league apart. So let us begin…

Natural History Museum, London

As a child, my folks used to take my brother and I on day trips to London. We’d do all the touristy things – visit Buckingham Palace, Madame Taussauds and the London Dungeon…however, there was one venue that was always a real treat to explore, and that place was the Natural History Museum. When I visit now I feel very excited about the amazing architecture and venue as a whole (take a look at one of my favourite architectural photographs to see how magnificent the Central Hall is), but as a kid it was all about the dinosaurs. Or rather the unbelievably massive “Dippy” the Diplodocus skeleton. How cool would it be to have your wedding reception overseen by one of the largest mammals ever to walk the earth? Yes, very.

San Francisco City Hall

I confess I’ve never been to San Francisco, but judging by the grandeur of these interior photographs of the City Hall, I think that I’d rather like to…

St Paul’s Cathedral

What an amazing venue, and the cathedral where Charles and Diana were married. if you’d like to get married there, you need to (and I quote from the St Paul’s Cathedral website) -“be a members of the Order of St Michael and St George, the Order of the British Empire, holders of the British Empire Medal,  members of the Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor and their children (but not grandchildren).”

That clears that up then, eh?

Santorini, Greece

A few years ago I visited Santorini, and it’s absolutely breathtaking. Most adverts and TV programmes that depict  the white buildings with the coloured roofs are all filmed in Santorini. If you get married or spend your honeymoon there, be sure to visit Oia to witness the sunset. Beautiful.

Claridges, London

It’s one of the most prestigious hotels in London, if not the world, so who wouldn’t want to get married there? (well, anyone whose budget is less than the GDP of a small country, but we can all dream…!)

Scrub Island, British Virgin Islands

You know the rubbish, miserable and downright depressing weather we’re having in the UK at the moment? How about forgetting all your cares, maxing out your credit card* and getting married on the British Virgin Islands?

*(I assume no responsibility for any dubious financial advice administered on this site…!)

Historical Gothic Palace, Venice, Italy

I went to Venice a few years ago with my girlfriend. At first it’s completely overwhelming – so much staggeringly gorgeous architecture, all tightly-packed within a small area, that it literally befuddles your head. So much beauty, so little time. However, after a cappucino / Peroni or two and a few deep breaths, you can begin to digest just how spectacular this place is. Within 30 minutes we’d visited the chapel where Vivaldi first performed The Four Seasons, a hotel where Tchaikovsky used to stay, as well as being charged around £12 for a pint of beer (be VERY careful where you go to eat and drink!)

We didn’t get to see the Historical Gothic Palace, but just look at it. Makes my eyes water, in a good way.

Chateau de Challain, France

Ah, France. The country of romance, exquisite cuisine, and Zinedine Zidane, one of the finest footballers ever to grace the planet. They also have some absolutely spectacular wedding venues, if the Chateau de Challain is anything to go by…

Painted Hall, Greenwich, London

Words fail me. Simply look at the stunning painting and architecture (designed by Sir Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor, fact fans), and imagine walking down the aisle here….sigh.

Dulwich College Great Hall, London

I thought I’d end with a venue that’s literally just down the road from me; if anyone out there is getting married there (or would like to get married there), then hire me as you’ll save on my transport costs! (I’m kidding…) I’ve walked past Dulwich College on a number of occasions, and it’s spectacular on the outside (and even more spectacular on the inside, judging by the photo above…)

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