Rustic Wedding Workshop – Regents Park, London

When it’s just stopped raining, the ground is wet beneath your feet and the temperature has dropped to around freezing point, what do you do? You grab a camera and head for the nearest park, of course!

Us photographer’s are an odd bunch, let’s face it. Whenever there’s an opportunity to capture beauty we’re first in the queue, come wind, rain or shine. Yesterday had all three of those elements in abundance, but that didn’t stop a group of us enjoying the fantastic Rustic Wedding Workshop Meetup group, as hosted by the insanely talented Alex Borbilas and Lisa Lobanova, who together make up Wedding Fairytales. I’ve attended a Family Photography Workshop with Lisa before, so was really looking forward to this one.

The day was broken up into three parts, two of which were of particular interest to me. The first third covered setting up a wedding photography business (which I know a fair bit about, obviously, but there was still some valuable information contained in this part). The second was a photoshoot in Regents Park (brrrr) with two fabulous models who were absolute troopers. As you can see from the photos below, they weren’t adorned with the warmest clothing you’ve ever seen, but smiled all the way through the session (as did co-host Alex who didn’t have a jacket with him, and started to turn a rather strange shade of blue. I’m shivering just thinking about you mate…!) The third part was perhaps of most interest to me, and touched on branding and marketing with an hour covering Lightroom post-processing at the end.

I had a great time – it’s always fantastic meeting up with fellow photographers and discussing style, technique and lenses (yes, the Canon 135L f2 is a must-buy, fellow workshop attendees:)), and Alex and Lisa were brilliant; enthusiastic, inspiring, happy to share their knowledge and both had a great sense of humour too. Thanks to both of you, and hope to see you again soon!


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