Everything you ever wanted to know about working with a wedding photographer

Why should I hire you to be my wedding photographer?

Great opening question! When you hire a wedding photographer, you need to be sure that (a) he or she can take great photographs, and (b) you’ll get on with them like a house on fire. My wedding photography portfolio hopefully demonstrates that I know what I’m doing regards to taking a fantastic photo, and my testimonials demonstrate that I get on well with my clients and provide them with a premium service they expect and deserve.

How long will you attend our wedding for? Will you disappear after the ceremony?

How very dare you! My wedding photography collections all include all day coverage, so you can choose the collection that’s right for you. I don’t like to set a leaving time, so if it’s all kicking off on the dancefloor…you’ll find me there!

My Uncle Bob has a nice shiny new camera. Why shouldn’t I hire him and save some money?

No disrespect to your Uncle Bob, but can he:

  • Take a sharp photograph in low light or when it’s pouring down?
  • Can he organise large (sometimes tipsy…!) groups of people?
  • Does he have total control of his camera so he’s ready to capture that special moment as and when it happens, not fifteen seconds later when he’s found the correct button and the moment has passed forever?
  • How will Uncle Bob fare after he’s had three pints of Fosters and a sneaky glass of Lambrini..?
  • Does Uncle Bob have insurance in case something goes wrong (heaven forbid) on the day? Does he have a backup camera in case his equipment / batteries / memory cards fail (again, heaven forbid, but he needs to be prepared for all eventualities).
  • Also, has he photographed a wedding from start to finish before?
Are there any hidden costs you’re not telling me about?

Definitely not! What you see is what you get, and we can discuss prices in detail over a coffee and a nice slice of cake.

How long will I have to wait after the wedding before I see my photographs?

I usually post a sneak peek up on my website / Facebook / Twitter a day or two after your wedding, and I’ll send you the link to your photographs within two to three weeks (four to eight weeks during summer months). Designing and printing wedding albums sometimes take a little longer, normally between two to three weeks (again, a bit longer during peak season).

Will we get to meet before the wedding?

Absolutely – you’ll be utterly sick of the sight of me before the big day! Seriously though, I like to chat on the phone and meet at least once before your wedding – a phone call for the initial consultation to ensure we’ll work well together (i.e to make sure you like me and I like you..!), and then meet up around six months before the big day to chat about anything you’re not sure about. Over a coffee and a slice of cake, of course…

I hate posing for pictures! Will you make me pose?

In a word, no! I prefer to stay in the background to observe and capture the love, laughter and emotions of the day, not spend hours making you feel uncomfortable. Most of the time you’ll forget I’m even there.

Saying that, if we’re blessed with a fantastic venue / sunset or both, I’ll grab you for a stunning portrait or two which will take 10 minutes at the most, promise!

What style of photography do you offer?

This leads on nicely from the last question – I prefer to call it “natural”, “candid” or “documentary” for the most part. This doesn’t mean I’ll follow you round with a camera crew for a few days to find out what you have for breakfast (unless you want me to?!), but I’ll stand in the background, observing and taking gorgeous photos of you, your husband / wife, friends, families and loved ones having a fab time.

What happens if it rains on the day of the wedding?

When you hire a professional wedding photographer (such as myself), you’re hiring someone who’s well versed in capturing amazing photos in all types of conditions. So whether I’m photographing in blazing sunshine or torrential rain, rest assured your photos will be fantastic (rain actually offers some ace creative opportunities, so it’s definitely not all bad when the heavens open!)

I also visit the venue well in advance of your wedding to look at suitable locations for photographs, and this includes inside the venue as well as out. So if the weather isn’t so great you can rest assured that we’ll capture some gorgeous memories together.

Who’ll own the copyright of our photos?

I will as I took / created them, but you’ll own copies of them which means you can share them with whoever you like, and wherever you like. So you’re free to share copies with your friends and family, as well as on Facebook, Instagram etc.

However, as I’ll own the overall copyright, I’ll be able to use them on my website, for marketing purposes and so on and so forth.

And why wouldn’t I? Because they’ll be bloody amaaaaazing!!

I’m sold! How can I hire you?

Woah, easy tiger! Either give me a call on 07552 808289 (leave a message if there’s no answer, I’m usually out and about somewhere), email me at dan[at]danbiggins.com, or fill out my contact form.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

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