The Talbot Inn Surrey Wedding Photography

Alex & Gary

You really have to love couples who decide to get married in a pub.

Not just any old pub of course. In this instance, Alex & Gary tied the knot at the magnificent Talbot Inn in Ripley, Surrey. Apparently, Lord Nelson used to stay there with his lady friend / mistress Emma Hamilton.

Also, it’s a pub that’s even older than I am (“impossible!â€, I hear you exclaim). Anyway, the Inn dates back to 1453, which is just before Liverpool won their last league title if memory serves me correctly? Sniff…

The day didn’t start too auspiciously, if I’m honest. My car decided not to start, meaning I had to hastily jump in an Uber for the hour long journey round the M25 (and back), which wasn’t cheap. It was pouring with rain when I arrived at the venue to photograph bridal prep with Alex and her bridesmaids, and to top it all off I managed to break one of my light stands as well. Oops.

In the end, none of that mattered.

I knew when I met Alex and Gary that the day would run smoothly, because they’re just lovely, laid-back people. As were their family and friends, who I laughed and joked with throughout the day.

So a huge thanks to you both for allowing me to share your wedding with you, and here are some highlights!


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