Best Wedding Photography of 2022

Best Wedding Photography 2022

I know I’m a bit late to the party (it’s halfway through January already, where’s the time going?!!), but I thought I’d put together some of my favourite photos from 2022.

So, what did 2022 bring? I’ll be honest with you – it was one of the most challenging years of my life.

I won’t go into details, but my personal life was extremely up and down – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, eh?! However, from a business perspective it was far and away the busiest and most enjoyable year of my wedding photography career.

I photographed over forty weddings, worked with some stupendous couples at some ridiculously gorgeous venues. captured thousands of wonderful moments, and worked with some amazingly talented suppliers.

I still pinch myself when I think back to when I first started out, and how I struggled during those first few years to book more than 10 weddings a year. Also, during the pandemic I was this close to jacking it all in, selling most of my kit and going to live in a monastery.

(Okay, the monastery bit isn’t true, but you get the gist).

Anyway, thank God I didn’t, because I wouldn’t have experienced and photographed over forty sensational weddings in the last year!

Speaking of which, here are some of the best photos from the last twelve months. Enjoy!

(Before I share them I really wanted to thank the following photographers and videographers who I worked with in 2022, because not only are they some of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with, but I’m extremely proud to class them all as friends as well).

So thank you Sian at Sian Cook Photography, Lindsey at LNZ Photo & Film, Terry at Lily & White Photography, Matt at Black Rock Films, Rich at Carlton Films and James at Eyes Closed, Head First Photography. You all rock so hard, it literally hurts.

Best Wedding Photography of 2021

Kent Wedding Photographer

I suspect 2021 will be a year that most people won’t forget in a hurry.

The ongoing saga of Covid, various lockdowns, the pervading question of “Will anyone ever get married ever again?!” and a general air of lingering uncertainty…before wedding season kicked off at a thousand miles an hour!

Even though 2021 was extremely challenging, I’m wary of complaining about a year where I was busier than I’ve ever been in my life. Not only did I photograph a year’s worth of weddings in around five months, I also took on a short-term contract job in the summer to bolster my business bank account.

Yep, 2021 was carnage. But ultimately in a good way!

So what about the weddings themselves? Well, they certainly didn’t disappoint! Some of the venues took my breath away, some of the speeches elicited tears of joy…and occasional sadness too.

Some weddings were huge grandiose affairs, and some weddings were small, intimate arrangements with just close friends and family in attendance.

However, all of them were remarkable in their own way, not just because of the reasons mentioned above, but because they all took place in a global pandemic.

Have some of that Covid!!

Here are some of the best photos from the last 12 months. Which ones are your favourites? Let me know in the comments below!

St Pauls Cathedral, London – Pre-Wedding Photography

St Pauls Cathedral, London – Pre-Wedding Photography

Who’d have thunk it, eh? One minute you’re walking through the centre of London surrounded by multitude of city-dwellers and tourists, and the next minute you’re standing under a tree with the sun on your back, next to one of the most iconic cathedrals in London.

That’s the beauty of London, and one of the reasons why I love living just down the road from our capital city (I’d love to live in London again, but when I win the lottery I’ll let you know…) 99% of the time you’re surrounded by people, but turn a corner and before you know it you’re in a sleepy side street, or standing under a tree with the sun on your back etc.

This is where Vicki, Richard and I found ourselves recently whilst photographing their fantastic pre-wedding photography session in and around St Paul’s Cathedral. We took some photos on Millennium Bridge, and then by St Paul’s Cathedral itself and the surrounding streets, and that’s when we found our little oasis of calm. The sun was perfectly placed, and for a moment we were whisked away to England’s picturesque countryside…

By the way, I recently had the great pleasure in photographing Vicki and Richard’s wedding too in Amersham (another place I’d love to live in, but again, still waiting for those lucky numbers to come in…) Those photographs will be on the blog soon, but until then, bask yourself in the warm glow of Vicki & Richard’s love in the sunshine…

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