Felicity & Patrick
I don’t think you can ask much more from a pre-wedding session that glorious weather in October, rutting deer and an upside-down groom, can you?
Of course, the fact that Felicity and Patrick were flipping lovely and up for a laugh certainly didn’t hamper proceedings either. Before you say, “I can’t believe you made Patrick climb that tree!” I’d hasten to add it was his idea. My pre-wedding sessions are all about fun, and what better way to have fun than to shin up the nearest tree, hang upside down and plant a smacker on the lips of your other half? Exactly.
I’ve been to Knole Park a few times now and each time the weather has has been absolutely gorgeous – remember, this session was back in October too. Seems that summer forgot that it was time for her to pack her bags and leave…
Thanks to Felicity and Patrick for being great fun and game for a laugh, and a huge thanks to Patrick for not falling out of that tree (my insurance is good, but it ain’t that good…)